Some awesome kebobs…

March 4, 2010
by YouAreNotAFitPerson

I strongly believe that there really are only a few core areas where we have failed ourselves and our children and thus have brought upon society such an unhealthy culture.  These areas are:

  • abdicating our responsibility over  food preparation to a business market environment, whose only concern is profit not health, and
  • failing to make moving our bodies fun and a societal priority. Why do we spend millions of dollars and countless hours watching other people exercise and no time actually doing it ourselves?

We solve these 2 problems and as a society we will be fit.

Someone working on the first half of the equation, Jamie Oliver has just received notice for his hard work.  Jamie Oliver has recently won the TED prize.

According to their website: TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. Along with the annual TED Conference in Long Beach, California, and the TEDGlobal conference in Oxford UK, TED includes the award-winning TEDTalks video site, the Open Translation Program, the new TEDx community program, this year’s TEDIndia Conference and the annual TED Prize.

I have embedded Jamie Oliver’s talk at the end of this entry and there is a link to it here if you want to go to the TED website.  There are some other great talks there on so many different subjects.

In honor of Jamie Oliver’s achievement, I am linking here to his recipe for chicken fish and lamb kebobs.    These look so delicious with 3 totally different marinades for each.   Kebobs are a great healthy way to eat your meat.  By cutting the pieces smaller they feel like so much more food and they are coated in flavour.  As well, you can barbecue some vegetables to go with these.  Think of having a huge Mediterranean salad with these kebobs or a great big fresh green salad.

Give these a shot and leave a comment on how they tasted.  As well, do you have any favorite kebob recipes?

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